Generator, 2016, 32” x 32”, photograph, card table top

Generator, 2016, 32” x 32”, photograph, card table top

As it is in Heaven, 2016, 48” x 36”, c-print photo, plastic table top, aluminum duct tape

As it is in Heaven, 2016, 48” x 36”, c-print photo, plastic table top, aluminum duct tape

Dark Garden Gate, 2016, 32” x 32”, Card Table, Fibre based Black and White Photo.

Dark Garden Gate, 2016, 32” x 32”, Card Table, Fibre based Black and White Photo.

Table Series installation, Three Flag Semaphore, table tops, photo, survery marker and surgery stick, steel.

Table Series installation, Three Flag Semaphore, table tops, photo, survery marker and surgery stick, steel.